Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Shot to Compete with the Best For Serious Money: Enter The World Series Extravaganza Poker Tournament

A Shot to Compete with the Best For Serious Money: Enter The World Series Extravaganza Poker Tournament

Poker is a special sport that is emerging on a large scale with heavy popularity for many reasons. Consider the World Series of Poker. It is what the sport is all about in terms of striving for equality of opportunity. You can get in if you have the will and skill, but you also need enough money.

Poker is a game we all love to play, that we can play in our homes with family or friends (and probably grew up doing) and without being tall, having great leaping ability, or the ability to run fast, you can take the unique skill sets it takes to be a poker player and rise to great heights and play for big money and a little fame.
The biggest impediment is usually the necessary bankroll to buy into the showcase tournaments like the World Series. If you had the opportunity to compete with other hungry players like yourself for a $20,000 stake, well then the door would have to be considered truly open for the person with the most skill.

Free online poker site is holding a contest to allow every poker player the chance to turn their dream of playing in the World Series into a reality. Simply enter Face-Up Gaming’s World Series Extravaganza Tournament Step 1 levels. You can win up to $20,000 in World Series Tournament vouchers. This will give you the freedom to play in the events you want to play in. So for example, if you are the player that wins the grand prize you can throw down to play in the $10,000 main event and maybe the $5,000 event, a $1000, a $1500 and then $1000. It is your choice.

This definitely opens a lot of doors and creates opportunity that may have been previously out of reach. As a player with great skill and big ambitions, you will have the rare opportunity to make your tournament poker experience what you want it to be according to your desires.

Skill in this sport is everywhere, but sadly we often never get to see it on display. Great poker players with the ability to play on the biggest stages many times work in the offices, construction sites, and drive the buses to stay on top of life financially. Many just don’t have the luxury and excess cash to compete against the best in the most important tournaments. Now you can.

Think of the World Series Extravaganza tournament as a playoff to get into the Super Bowl, World Series and Final Four all wrapped into one. Be the “Cinderella Story” and experience the magic of competing hard with other players with the same dream. You will raise your game in the process too.
Right now what you have to do is keep an eye out for World Series Extravaganza Tournament Qualifying step 1 and step 2 tournaments. Win the step 1 qualifying tournament you enter to get to step 2. From there play your way to the finals to be held on June 5 at 1 pm. This is where dreams start: a real chance to compete for the right to be in charge of your destiny.